Wednesday, April 4, 2007


1. Do you think that humanity's activities will hurt the earth's environment or make it better?

2.In some countries, murderer is not punished with the death penalty, do you agree, or disagree?


Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

I think some of them need to die for the criminal event what they did

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

i disagree that there are some countries do not punish with death penelty for many reasons . First , the person might repeat the same mistake , if he didnt punishe .Moreover, he wont feel guilty about he did , so itis possible that he kill's for example another person. secondly, it will encourage's people to murder people easily , becuase they will see other peeple didnt punished the punishment they deceve .

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

that is me( sam ) about the last comment

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

Answer of the first question:
Unquestionably people damage the earth and the surroundings arround them and they kill themseves that way by many things.
One of those things that damage the environment is the factouries, either by excreting CO2 with its result of increasing that gas which is big problem today ( air polution ) , leftover and spioling the nature... etc or leaking in oil sometimes in sea areas .
