Friday, April 20, 2007

Over the Hedge ( Sulaiman )

When RJ the raccoon's plan to steal Vincent the Bear's food goes awry, RJ has to replace everything or he'll be the bear's main course for dinner. RJ makes his way to a small patch of woods near a new subdivision of homes that seem to be stacked with plenty of food.
RJ meets a group of animals (led by a turtle that sounds a lot like Garry Shandling), and he does his best to convince them that he can help them store as much food in a week that it normally takes a year to accumulate. But first they must overcome their fear of what's on the other side of the hedge. Will plans go as smoothly as they hope?
The fun is in watching the various ordeals that unfold for RJ and his gang. At first, they accomplish purloining various items with relative ease despite a few bumps and bruises. But then things get a little dicier when the aforementioned neighbor calls in the Verminator, who goes after the animals with the same amount of zeal that Mad Dog the Bounty Hunter goes after fleeing convicts. Complex traps and even an infrared field are installed, making this look more like Mission: Impossible.

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