Friday, April 20, 2007

kangji ---the review of "over the hedge"

One day,,a racoon mamed RJ stole a bear's stuff,and he has to back that or he will be killed by the bear.He found a family in a small forest.They got food from the human beings who live over the hedge.Before the last day,which is he made a deal with the bear.He got the food,but the human caughtthe family.Though the stuggle of the brain,he choose the friendship and gave up the food.They worked together,beating the bear and human beings.There are something I like in the movie:firstly,I like the racoon's smart although he got the food from the wrong way.Secondly,I pound of the whole family's teamwork,it's the thing we also need in the modern society.Thirdly,I admire their frienddhip.Fouthly,I like the result,they won in the high time.Fifthly,also is the most important one,is RJ did the right thing he should do and so do the whole family.And that I have something dislike,I don't like the human beings hate the animals without any reasons at first.Next is they got food in the bad purpose and though the bad ways. Actually,they have the better way to finish that.I don't like the instrument that can kill small animals at the same time.I think many children and teenagers will like this film.First of all,it's a catoon,and of couse most of children like watch cartoons.That'a the turth.And if a cartoon has no good content,I guess thousands of parents will not allow their children to watch it.However,I think "over the hedge"doesn't belong to the kind.So,it's good funny and awesome.

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