Friday, April 20, 2007

Review of "Over The Hedge" (Wayne)

RJ made the bear's food damage. The bear feel angry and will kill him if RJ can not return his food when the full moon.
RJ began to find the all food to bear. He met some friends who they waked up their winter sleep. They found a large green hedge. Behind the hedge people made the forest became a city. RJ lead his friends took the food from humans. In spite of great efforts he failed to carry his plan. In the end, he took the all food which the bear need, but his friends in the dangers. For protected himself he not care of his friend. He wanted to return the food to bear. His friends sadly looked him.
When RJ will freedom, he recalled something which he did with his kind friends, at that time they had a large happiness. He thought he can not live without them. Since he went back and helped them escape the danger. They have a success but the food as well damage. The bear and humans both wanted to kill them. Finally, they won by their brain.
This is a comedic movie which suit for every ages.


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