Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Why do so many people in N.America have excessive debt(Jiapeng)

In N.America , people's living standard is very high ,so many people don't think about the consequence of debt . I think that's why so many N.America people have excessive debt. Buy what they need has became a kind of habit of many N.America people , they cann't stop spending money , so when they don't have money , they will loan or borrow some it form friends , parents or somebody else . For excemple , an American boy just graduated from univercity , all of his friends had cars , he also wanted a car . In China or some other countries , teenager has a car is not very normal , but in North America i think its very normal . This situation must makes the boy wants the car much more than teenager from other countries , so he must think about some way to get it . The only way is loan . Will he return the money? Who knows?

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