Wednesday, April 4, 2007


1.Why do so many teenages have sex early?

2.who should decide a important event, male or female?


Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

This is a really fantastic question,i like it!

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

I believe that many young people have sex early becasue they are influenced by images in the media, a lack of parental involvement, and low self-esteem.

Jason F.

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

This is a fantastic question,i like it! i do believe there have a lot of young people have sex earlier.In this modern time,there have a lot sex movie and sex action around young people,and also young people are very clever,they can study very fast.Any way,this is a really axciting question,good for you!

Jason's Totally Awesome Class said...

I don't agree use sex early because they are too yaung to make sex.
