Sunday, April 22, 2007

Over the Heage (Rae)

This movie talks about a racon. He is very hungry, so he stole a bear's food. The bear is very angry, and tells RJ, the racoon, must return all the food. RJ meets a family in the wood, he lied to the family. He wants everybody to help he to find the food, and they have a big adventure.

It's a great 3-D animated movie and great voice-cast. I like all of animals in this movie because they are very cute. They are like humans, every animal has different characters. This movie is very funny and interesting and this movie is colorful. the voice cast is uniformly well chosen.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Review of "Over The Hedge" (Wayne)

RJ made the bear's food damage. The bear feel angry and will kill him if RJ can not return his food when the full moon.
RJ began to find the all food to bear. He met some friends who they waked up their winter sleep. They found a large green hedge. Behind the hedge people made the forest became a city. RJ lead his friends took the food from humans. In spite of great efforts he failed to carry his plan. In the end, he took the all food which the bear need, but his friends in the dangers. For protected himself he not care of his friend. He wanted to return the food to bear. His friends sadly looked him.
When RJ will freedom, he recalled something which he did with his kind friends, at that time they had a large happiness. He thought he can not live without them. Since he went back and helped them escape the danger. They have a success but the food as well damage. The bear and humans both wanted to kill them. Finally, they won by their brain.
This is a comedic movie which suit for every ages.


review of " over the hedge " - mohammed -

Over the hedge review :

This movie is useful movie that it has several lessons to teach about some unmoral behaviors such as the selfishness, faithlessness and to not being content and show you the consequences of characterizing with those , but in some cases it’s not good to paint photo about people not being good against being the animals good .

Here is a summery of the story :

There’s a racoun called ( R J ) in a civic place where people live, not in a forest . He was very hungry

Over the Hedge ... Plot Summary ...( Sulaiman )

loved this movie. The characters were awesome, and the plot was phenomenal. Bruce Willis plays con artist, raccoon, RJ. When he attempts to steal food from hibernating bear, Vincent, played by Nick Nolte, a small accident leaves the food destroyed. Vincent gives RJ 1 week to replace all the food. If RJ doesn't replace the food Vincent will eat him. While contemplating almost certain death, RJ stumbles upon a group of naive woodlanders. The woodlanders have awoken from hibernation to find that half of their woodland is now a suburban paradise. With their food source now depleted, the woodlanders turn to smooth talking RJ. Who convinces them that all they need to do is steal the food from the humans. All of the woodlanders seem open to this idea, all of them except Verne, a cautious turtle, who does not trust RJ at all. RJ on the other hand convinces him and the rest of the 'family'. The ultimate question in this movie is, Can RJ really con these woodland animals?

over the hedge . my review ( youssef )

There are some animals like (Raccoon, Verne, turtle) they are lining on the backyard. When the spring is start. They are wake up and they start looking about food. But the Raccoon came from the other place and call to them to go to house. But they have problem with the people .The Raccoon changed their live because looking about food and make risk live to them. On the end they stay in the backyard and they enjoy with them live.

over the edge sam

First, the thing that I like about the movie that it has many ideas that it can benefit anyone (old , adult, child) .it is noticeable that the movie learn you to be content about your life whether you are rich or poor, old or young .it means that there is different types of life to everyone. I can imagine that the movie teach you how to predict the consequences in the future in everything you do in the present. Dramatically, that the movie has an extremely terrific painting for the actors .Last, I really liked the ending of the movie.
There are some disadvantages that I like to notice some disadvantages

Over the Hedge ( Sulaiman )

When RJ the raccoon's plan to steal Vincent the Bear's food goes awry, RJ has to replace everything or he'll be the bear's main course for dinner. RJ makes his way to a small patch of woods near a new subdivision of homes that seem to be stacked with plenty of food.
RJ meets a group of animals (led by a turtle that sounds a lot like Garry Shandling), and he does his best to convince them that he can help them store as much food in a week that it normally takes a year to accumulate. But first they must overcome their fear of what's on the other side of the hedge. Will plans go as smoothly as they hope?
The fun is in watching the various ordeals that unfold for RJ and his gang. At first, they accomplish purloining various items with relative ease despite a few bumps and bruises. But then things get a little dicier when the aforementioned neighbor calls in the Verminator, who goes after the animals with the same amount of zeal that Mad Dog the Bounty Hunter goes after fleeing convicts. Complex traps and even an infrared field are installed, making this look more like Mission: Impossible.

kangji ---the review of "over the hedge"

One day,,a racoon mamed RJ stole a bear's stuff,and he has to back that or he will be killed by the bear.He found a family in a small forest.They got food from the human beings who live over the hedge.Before the last day,which is he made a deal with the bear.He got the food,but the human caughtthe family.Though the stuggle of the brain,he choose the friendship and gave up the food.They worked together,beating the bear and human beings.There are something I like in the movie:firstly,I like the racoon's smart although he got the food from the wrong way.Secondly,I pound of the whole family's teamwork,it's the thing we also need in the modern society.Thirdly,I admire their frienddhip.Fouthly,I like the result,they won in the high time.Fifthly,also is the most important one,is RJ did the right thing he should do and so do the whole family.And that I have something dislike,I don't like the human beings hate the animals without any reasons at first.Next is they got food in the bad purpose and though the bad ways. Actually,they have the better way to finish that.I don't like the instrument that can kill small animals at the same time.I think many children and teenagers will like this film.First of all,it's a catoon,and of couse most of children like watch cartoons.That'a the turth.And if a cartoon has no good content,I guess thousands of parents will not allow their children to watch it.However,I think "over the hedge"doesn't belong to the kind.So,it's good funny and awesome.

Over The Hedge Jiapeng

This movie is about a raccoon named RJ used some other animals to feed a bear who wants to kill him. First, he was just use them to get enough food form human's houses, but he found he loves this family, so he went but back to help the family that is being in trouble. Finally, they got a free and happy life with family love.
I really like this movie, because it's funny, interesting, exciting,moving and it has a good looking. In this movie, there are many plots are really funny, like the fast squrral when he was going any place it is just like wind. Sometimes even when they were in dengouse the music is soft music it made us couldn't stop laughing. Sometimes it made us moved. At the begining theirs life was just a normal animal's life just worry about food, until RJ apeared, during many dengouse happened they felt more and more really love. At the end the hall family at catched by the animal killer. At that time RJ was boring the food to the bear, and finally he found his really life should be with that family so he decieted to save the family, it was really difficulte when he was faceing dengouse of life. when the animals went into human's houses to get food. It was so dengouse and it made us worried about the animals, but when they were succusful I was so excited for those smart animals. At the end of the movie the family fighted with the bear and the humans. It was so dengouse but RJ thought a plan. when they finally catched the bear and humans with humans animal killing machine. I was so exciting for them. I was happy for this ending.
I think children will like this movie very much , becouse it's a kind of katoon and funny , interesting, exciting. I like it.

over the hedge robin

RJ stealed the bear's food, but that bear caught him. And the food was breaken by a truck. So if RJ still want to go alive. He needed to replace those food for that bear in a week. And then RJ tell a lie to the other animals. He wanted to use them to help him feed that bear. The others animal also need food, because they lost their forest. Instead of the forest was human's buliding. So they agree RJ's idea----to get the food from humans' except a turtle. RJ was going to be their leader, all the others animals trust him very much. But before he finish his job, that turtle return all the stuff because he think we will be in dangerous if we still steal the food from humans' Of course others animals all angry with this event. The turtle thought maybe he was wrong, so they design a big idea to get back all their food. At last RJ was successed. But all his buddies were caught by human. RJ was so sad when he replace those thing for that bear. So he change he idea. He never afraid that bear any more. And he caught that car and success to stop is and save their buddies' live. And then they work together to fight with that bear and people. At las they bulid a big family together.

funny...cute..and comedy..
this moive is suitable for the children or the people who love animal or the people who just like comedy moive.

Today's Writing Assignment-Jason F.

Good Morning Fellow Bloggers!

Today you will be writing a review of "Over the Hedge." Use your notes from last class to type it up. Don't forget to include a summary, things you liked or didn't like about the movie and whether or not you would recommend it to friends or small children.

Below you will find links to information about the movie and other sample reviews. Please don't copy these. They are just for helping out.
Your review should be at least 300 words.

Over the Hedge Film Info

Over the Hedge Reviews

Once you have posted your review, visit the following link and click on the "Play Now" button at the bottom of the page. The highest score wins! You will be competing with classmates for fabulous prizes.

Click Here -->Beware of Sharks

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

over the hedge (youssef)

Over the hedge.
Just whose backyard is it, anyway? Spring has sprung, and Verne and his woodland friends awaken from their long winter's nap to discover that a large, green hedge has cropped up right through the middle of their once-natural habitat. Enter RJ, an opportunistic raccoon who explains that the world beyond the hedge is "the gateway to the good life" where peculiar creatures called humans live to eat, rather than eat to live. "For humans," RJ proclaims, "enough is never enough." Suspicious and even a little jealous of the charismatic smooth-talking RJ, the ever cautious Verne wants to keep his blended family safely on their side of the hedge. But, proving the adage that one man's garbage is another man's--or, rather, animal's--treasure, the manipulative RJ has his own reasons for convincing the woodland band that there is little to fear and everything to gain from their over-indulgent new neighbors. Eventually, RJ and Verne form an unlikely friendship as they and their furry friends learn to coexist with--and even exploit--this strange new world called suburbia.

summarize about over the hedge----Haosheng Xu (english)

Just whose backyard is it, anyway? Spring has sprung, and Verne and his woodland friends awaken from their long winter’s nap to discover that a tall, green thing has mysteriously cropped up right through the middle of their home. Enter RJ, an opportunistic raccoon, who explains that the world beyond the hedge is the gateway to the good life where peculiar creatures called humans live to eat, rather than eat to live.Suspicious and even a little jealous of RJ, the ever-cautious Verne wants to keep his blended family safely on their side of the hedge. But, proving the adage that one man’s garbage is another man’s—or rather animal’s—treasure, the manipulative RJ tries to convince the woodland band that there is little to fear and everything to gain from their over-indulgent new neighbors. Eventually, RJ and Verne form an unlikely friendship as they learn to co-exist with—and even exploit—this strange new world called suburbia.

Over the hedge---- Haosheng Xu

剧情简介:  可爱的小狸猫RJ(布鲁斯·威利斯)在人类侵略它赖以生存的森林领地之前,从没想到自己有一天会成为带领整个森林中小动物居民与人类“入侵者”抗争的领袖。相反,小狸猫RJ的人生目标只是为了糊口,并能在质量上有所保证。为了嘴上的享受,他可以冒着生命危险潜入森林霸主黑熊文申的家中,将其辛苦储存下来准备过冬用的一大桶食物吃个精光。强悍的文申当然不会放过这个偷吃贼,而给他的唯一生路就是在一定期限内将他刚刚偷吃得精光的食物空桶填满,否则RJ将面临小命不保的厄运。于是,RJ开始了拼命找食物偿还窃债的旅程。而小动物的头领乌龟沃尼(加里·桑德林)外出后发现,森林居民们常去的那块绿地已经变成了人类的住宅,并且用长长的篱笆墙围了起来。沃尼一步一惊心地翻过篱墙,开始了险象环生的回家之旅:差点被轰隆隆的割草机剪断脖子,小孩的山地车几乎将它的龟壳碾碎,又险些被庭院中聚餐的人群踩扁。九死一生回到森林的沃尼警告大家千万不要跨过篱墙之外,否则随时有血腥之灾。大家噤若寒蝉,而RJ深知,要找足文申要求的食物,非得到篱墙之外的垃圾桶才能办到,于是它不顾沃尼的劝告,一人跨过篱墙来到被人类霸占的领地。在这里它见到许多叫不出名字的食物。偷到食物胜利回家的RJ向大家讲述着自己的经历,告诉大家被人类占领的土地上有许多新鲜的玩意并鼓励它们翻越篱墙偷走人类的食物。正当大家犹豫不决时,RJ从人类那偷来的一包薯片以其独特的香味和口感征服了森林中的小动物们。于是,在RJ的带领下,小动物们开始翻越篱墙,“以你占我土地,我偷你食物”为口号向人类大肆报复。被小动物弄得焦头烂额的人类居民马上召开业主委员会,决定请来灭害专家对付这群难缠的小东西。头领沃尼对于森林居民的行为非常不满,它担心RJ引起的这场与人类对决的行动会导致森林的毁灭,在几次交锋中,固执的沃尼见到RJ它们的力量,渐渐意识到或许RJ才是真正的领导,森林的未来应该由它来领导……

Monday, April 16, 2007

what is one ..... (Sulaiman )

What is one thing you con do to change the world
This world in which we live is suffering many problems of war, poverty, pollution and water shortage and not all crimes can never be changed because of the differences between humans and domination of the world wish to change this so that the main reason the world and live in peace

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Last Weekend

I really did a lot of interesting things this weekend .I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends throughout this weekend .On Friday I watched a really phenomenal movie it call Disturbia and it taught me a lot ideas about life .On Saturday I went with my friends to eat in very grand restaurant which the food was so delicious, after that we decided to visit one of my friends and complete our exiting night. The Final day of the weekend I want shopping and I have bought a lot of beautiful things like camera and play station.

One Thing to Change The World

In my opinion, to change the world we should stop any war the entire world .The developed countries have to do their best in improving the relationships, between the countries which have problems with each other. Also, the developed countries should cooperate with developing country, in order to support them in developing. I can imagine that the United Nations should work more, preventing the world from wars .The reason that ceasing wars could change the world, due to it will be less pollution as well. Finally, everyone in the whole world have to be responsible in ceasing wars, because anything happens will cause all people in the hug world.


What did you do this weekend?

Firday after class, I went to a friend's house. We watched TV and talked about comic books. I cooked noodles for myself. Saturday afternoon my friend and I went to Halifax Shopping Center. I bought many things and we ate chinese food in the shopping center. After saturday shopping I felt tired, So I stayed at home and relaxed on Sunday.

what did do in the weekend (youssef)

On Friday evening. I did not do any thing. I stayed at home watched television and enjoyed with my family. On Saturday morning I want to shop with my family. I want out at ten o’clock until tow o’clock. In the evening at seven o’clock I went with my friend played soccer until eight o’clock. After that I went to Saudi club met my friend I stayed until one o’clock and I went to my apartment and slept I woke up on Sunday morning at nine o’clock I went to picnic with my family about three hours and I came back continue my time at home .

Saturday, April 14, 2007

whte is one thing you can do to change the world ( youssef )

when I look to the wotld . I see more things need to change . But I wsnt to change the pollution . There are two pollutions most important first one air pollution second one water pollution . Every one can not live with out the air . But the people made air pollution by vactories , cars and other things as result there are more people have been goten diseases . fore example, bronchi asthma . Every one have to find about solotion to clear the air . Second one the water pollution . Every one need water for drink and clean , but the human throw the garbage into the ocean or rivers . And the same time all the people use the water . that is big problam to our health .

Friday, April 13, 2007

Changing the world - mohammed -

The world never change entierly unless all people get together under some certaine limits and firs step to do that is to end the unfairness in evry thing as we can endividualy or as a group . The gevrenments should stop their sefish plan to attack others for their dirty interists they should have a good intention towerd each other and they should help each other as a human . And in each country they should put the fairness first befor any thing because with that each one will take his or her place especialy in the education because with the knowledge evry good thing will come their should be good education system .

Thursday, April 12, 2007


The one thing I can do for the world is doing the right thing which I think about.The world is made up of thousands of people,and we change the,if we do the things that let the world become worse.....we are bad~~~on the other hand,we just do the right thing,the world will be better.we don't have the special power such as some hero in the movies,we can't do the great thing like them,but,we still great.the greatest thing for a sports' player is getting the scores,and the thing for us is don't do something without your heart.


what is one thing you can do to change this world?

what can i do for this? If i were a superman, I can change the world once and save person from a difficulty.. but, I know the supperman doesn't exist in the world.
In order to do that, I think what i have to do is to accomplish my dream and then I should devort myself to my work. in other world.. I should do my best in my position.

The world wasn't changed easily and fast. also, i can't changed world alnoe. so, i is not. we are right! we should become like one and cooperate each other. only so, we can change the world.


What is one thing you can do to change the world?

I will be inventions a great scientific discoveries concerning about half the population in the world.Every mature female gets a period.Females often feel uncomfortable during their period, especially in the summer.Some women even have a problem of abdominalgia that makes them feel sick and annoyed.Thus, I want invent a special pill for women's periods.

Every month you only need to take one pill, and then you just sit on the toilet. After one minute, you will solve the uncomfortable problem.

It's amazing right? However, I think this invention will be good for women. It can eliminate inconvenience to women, and women can do more activities that they want to do.

One thing to chang the world----- haosheng xu

Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the information superhighway, best exemplified by the ubiquitous internet. already, millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem and an adress on the " net", in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost everyone who pays a phone bill. in fact, since the computer connections are made via the phone line, the internet can be envisaged as network of visual telephone links. it remains to be seen in which direction the information superhighway is headed, but many believe it is the sducational hope of future

the reasons of divorce ( sam)

There are a lot of reasons that causes to divorce between couples in the entire world.First reason is economic reasons .For example, there are some husbands and wives their purpose for marry isn’t for love, it is for money that there partner has or earn . Secondly, some people are impolite with there wive or husbands, like they always keep yelling at them , even though for the simple mistakes. Finally , it is really so common that one of the couple keep depending on the other in everything , like cleaning the house , studying to their children and so on . divorce is really common these days , so I hope form anyone to think about the Consequences before getting married.



Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sample CanTest Qestions - Muataz B.

1- Many people are addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes. These people like to smoke whenever and wherever. How further that's disturb and effect nonsmokers ?
Support your answer with experiences and examples.

2- Do agree or disagree with the following statement :-
It is very important for a teacher to be patient because his\her students don't always understand what they are expected to do. Sometimes student has to guess what the teacher means.
Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.


1.Nowadays,cartoons become a popular thing ,but it break many students' study,what do you think about that?use your personal views and details. have their different worth in different country.It is not very convenient,and you should change it in the bank ,what do you think?use your personal views and details.


1. thesedays, what is the most important thing to you in whole life?

2. Many married person don't want get badies. why do they not want baby?
engoy their life? the expense of bringing up a child?

contest questions - mohammed -

1- Do you agree with the following statment: people should follow the fation any way even if they don't like it . Why or why not ?

2- What is the advantages and disadvantages of being rich ?

Simple Cantest Type Questions -- (Rae)

Here are two CanTest type question:

1.Why are so many people willing to have pets, but they don't want to educte a child?

2.What is the longest river in the world?


Question1:Nowadays,there have a lot of people like gambling,what do you think on this thing?give some advantages or disadvantages.
Question2:In china,there have a lot of people want to buy luxury automobiles,do you think is good or bad.Use your own experience.


1. Do you think that humanity's activities will hurt the earth's environment or make it better?

2.In some countries, murderer is not punished with the death penalty, do you agree, or disagree?

Essays Questions ( sam)

1) teachers prefer teaching studnets in high school to student in the primary school :
use reasons and examples to support your answer

2) do agree or disagree with the folowing statement :

universe is infinite

support your answer with reasons and examples


why do so many students go to foreign country to study second lanuage?

If there is a war between your homeland and Cananda? What will you do ?Why?


1.Why do so many teenages have sex early?

2.who should decide a important event, male or female?
1.In your life,what do you think about difficult position?
2.why do you a number of people go abroad canada?Give some reasons to support your idea.

question - Haosheng Xu

1 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer?

2 Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer?


what's the perfect marry?
what's the good job?

Sample Cantest Type Questions-Jason F.

Here is an example CanTest type essay question:
Why are so many people willing to publish the details of their lives on the Internet for the entire world to read?

why do so many people in north usa have excessive debt(Robin)

why do so many people in north usa have excessive debt(Robin) In my opinion, too many north american have excessive debt because USA was a developed country in the world. So social welfare also nearly the best in the world. Then people do not need to think how to keep alive. So when they got their wage, maybe they could buy everything what' they want. do everying what they like. For example, if someone who owns a casinos who will be rich in a very short time. Why? Not only rich man like to go to casinos the people who have free money they all can go there. But how were their result, spent all the money and borrow others' money then the fucking debt was coming.

debt - xu haosheng

what they need has became a kind of habit of many N.America people .In North America i think its very normal
I think that many north american people were born in a environment where have no stress and relax. In my imagine that this problem is relating to the high cost of living that spending money to do themselves to want to do of have the count as one of the best economy,the people there have the different ideology for shopping

In Class Blogging!-Jason F.

Write two sample CanTest essay questions and then post them to the blog. Make sure to include your name in the Title. After you have posted your questions, respond to one of the questions posted by one of your classmates. Your response should be approximately one paragraph and include a thesis statement.

debt in north American - Lia

How many cards do you have? when did you get this first? many people will make it when becoming adult. why do many people prefer cash to credit card? let me see.

Entire Poeple in north America have cradit card. so, they can buy everything that they want.
although they have no money in their pocket. also, it is more convenience than paying in cash.
and they don't need to think about their property before coming next month. but, if it become next month, you would worry about money that you should pay. you should find solution on that. finally, you'll make new card to pay for money that you spent last month. because you don't have no money.

as a result, you ger more debt. and you can't escape in this trap. it is a vicious circle.

debt in N America - mohammed -

Nature of people is to live in the moment so money people spend their power in early time of their lives but very few people control themselves. Those people who spend their power early aren't responsible enough to even think of the close futuer . So those spend their money and when they need it for example for some certain treatment they don't find it. Some of them tern to the debt and that's very common in N America and i think that is governed mostly by the general social sitwation for example the devlopment and second reason is that maybe the laons in N America is easy avilable and there are personal reasons sush as the desire to be like evryone as they think .

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Why do so many people in N.America have excessive debt(Jiapeng)

In N.America , people's living standard is very high ,so many people don't think about the consequence of debt . I think that's why so many N.America people have excessive debt. Buy what they need has became a kind of habit of many N.America people , they cann't stop spending money , so when they don't have money , they will loan or borrow some it form friends , parents or somebody else . For excemple , an American boy just graduated from univercity , all of his friends had cars , he also wanted a car . In China or some other countries , teenager has a car is not very normal , but in North America i think its very normal . This situation must makes the boy wants the car much more than teenager from other countries , so he must think about some way to get it . The only way is loan . Will he return the money? Who knows?


I think that many north american people were born in a environment where have no stress . They have no idea about how to plan for life, so when their parents leave them. They will lost themselves in a wrong way which can live. They need money for life like before, so they get many debt. Beacause of it is the most easy way to get money.They don't want to work hard. The lazy personality have done.

Why So Many People In Norht America Have Dept (Sam)

In my opinion, that so many people in north America have depts , because many serious
reasons that force them have depts . First of all, I imagine that this problem is relating to the high cost of living . For example, the cost of water in my country costs around a quarter and in canada is around 1.75$ , so that is the reason I think that there are hug differences with the cost of living . Secondly, there are in north America more places for entertainments than other countries in the whole world . For instance , there are many casinos in canada , so that is why some people have many depts .Morover, we shall dont forget that it depend's on the person's personality , like some people like to spend more that other people like to spend.

Why do so many people in N.America have excessive debt

In my opinion,the nation in North America, their living condition is superior,and social welfare is good.People need not excessive of worry for the life.So they are more easily of their living, and take pleasure in enjoying a life, spending money to do themselves to want to do of affairs.In a word, they will not worry a future life, would like to spend money to enjoy a life, not weariness from overwork for earning more money, even leave excessive debt.


Jan. 29-31, 2003 -- American consumers now owe about $1.7 trillion in credit card and other debts -- an amount equal to the gross national product of England and Russia combined.There are several reasons,first of all,we have to say that North America(N.A.)have the count as one of the best economy,the people there have the different ideology for shopping.Most of them think that they can use the money together including the money they earn in the future.However,when the time which they should pay back the money is coming......they have no money to pay it.That akso have a lot of reasons,most are the laziness and the lacking of responsibility.

Why do so many people in N.America have excessive debt?(Rae)

I think not only North American, but also my country have excessive debt. In my opinion, I feel they like grasshopper. Most people are too lazy to work, so they don't have money. They borrow money from banks, but they are unable to pay the debt. Thus, they have a big burden.

Monday, April 2, 2007

why do so many people in N America have excessive debt (youssef )

Because there are robber everywhere so everybody fear exposure to rob . must of people prefer to use debt card . They can't get lot of money in their pocket and go to shopping . The debt most easer than cash money and dosen't take space in the walllet . I prefer use the debt card.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

my favorite website youssef

My favorite website is because there are more kind of topics . There are topic about learning English . I Use that topic for learning English because need practice for listing . there are music to my favorite singer and listen to him . there are more and more useful topics . I prefer that website .

Friday, March 16, 2007

My Favorite Wepsite (sam)

My favorite wepsite that most people in the world know it , is yahoo (
I like this wepsite for different reasons . you can through this wepsite search for anything you want , like famous person , games , songs and so on . Aslo , you can know about the weather news in your city or in anycity in the entire world . In this wepsite too , you can do e_ mail , so you can send to anyone in the world anything you wish to send to.

My favorite Website - haosheng xu

My favorite Website is The website is very interesting, because it has a lot of events and news. let us to kown about persident schedule on the united state of American. sometime bush has a speech to public people, I can practice my listening skill.

My favourite website

My favourite website is That'a chinese music website The website music is very high. I like so much I think maybe you to listen

My favorite website (Rae)

My favorite website is

This is my blog, why am I like it? Because I can Write my diary
and put many picture in my album.My friend can write message in my guestbook,
so I'm very like this website.Many people use it and I think it is very useful.

My favourite website-ben

My favourite is I like it beacause of it has the most quick news bout the basketball and NBA. I can get the information more easily and clearly on the website without television. I also can get the information about my favourite basketball player. The website will tell me true news bout the NBA will happen at this time.

my favorite web-site, Lia

my favorite web site is
because i can meet friedns, parents through this web site.
now, I am in canada. so I can meet friends and another person.
and I can get a lot of information including comic cartoon, poem, news...
so, after class, I often visit library and enjoy to enter this web site...^^

My favorite website -mohammed-

I want to learn english touch typing so, i was searching for some program for that and i found it in this website and you can download ( typingmaster program ) by clecking the green button which is written on it " get free trial " and then cleck on " start download " .

My favorite Web-Wayne

My favorite web is!
Sometimes i can't find the web that i want to use, i can use Google find it
out, it is very convenience for our internation living. I often use it watch basketball
and football and so much sports news, i always feel happy. This Web is good for
my study, for example i have writing an article i can use it gain some imformation.
In a word, the Google take some convenience for me and i like it!

my favourite website-Jiapeng Sun

My favourite website is It is very populer in the world . I like it because there are many interesting things on it. You can know many things about famous people, cars, sports and so on. I can find everything i need in this website, and strange things in the world , I'm really interested in them. The information about the strange things let me know more and more about this world that I'm liveing.

My Favourite website-Stone

My favourite website is I can anything what I want,like music english music picture and some message about car very much.this wed have enough car's message for me.and some message about second car.anyway,if i want i can find it on this web.

my favorite website - sulaiman

my favorite website is https://

Learning English

News English
Business English
Watch & Listen
Grammar & Vocabulary
The Flatmates Webcast

it is better website Learning English for my . because help my learining english .

anther website

I hope visiting for you .

My Favorite Website - Jason F.

My favorite website is I love movies. I wish I could watch movies all of the time. One thing that I love to do is try to guess what other movies have been directed by the same director. I also like to look for movies with the same actors. This website lets you search for any movie that has come out or will come out. The movie I'm really looking forward to this weekend is Fido. Check it out on to see what it's all about.

My favourite website-Louis.Zeng

My favourite website is This is really useful website. You can find a lot of imformation in this website,such as sport news;social news;cars and photos and so on. If you teacher give you assignment,you must go to find some information,i think this website is the best suggesttion for you. Any way,in my opinion,this is a amazing;awesome;cool;unbelieveable;perfect;fantastic website.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Purdue OWL- Jason Frank

This is one of the most comprehensive on-line writing websites on the Internet. It's based out of Purdue University. There are a ton of great exercises and study helps here.

Welcome to our blog - Jason Frank

Today we will be doing two things on the website. First we will be posting a link to an ESL or English Writing website. Then we will make a short journal entry on-line. Good luck. I look forward to seeing what you do.