Sunday, April 22, 2007

Over the Heage (Rae)

This movie talks about a racon. He is very hungry, so he stole a bear's food. The bear is very angry, and tells RJ, the racoon, must return all the food. RJ meets a family in the wood, he lied to the family. He wants everybody to help he to find the food, and they have a big adventure.

It's a great 3-D animated movie and great voice-cast. I like all of animals in this movie because they are very cute. They are like humans, every animal has different characters. This movie is very funny and interesting and this movie is colorful. the voice cast is uniformly well chosen.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Review of "Over The Hedge" (Wayne)

RJ made the bear's food damage. The bear feel angry and will kill him if RJ can not return his food when the full moon.
RJ began to find the all food to bear. He met some friends who they waked up their winter sleep. They found a large green hedge. Behind the hedge people made the forest became a city. RJ lead his friends took the food from humans. In spite of great efforts he failed to carry his plan. In the end, he took the all food which the bear need, but his friends in the dangers. For protected himself he not care of his friend. He wanted to return the food to bear. His friends sadly looked him.
When RJ will freedom, he recalled something which he did with his kind friends, at that time they had a large happiness. He thought he can not live without them. Since he went back and helped them escape the danger. They have a success but the food as well damage. The bear and humans both wanted to kill them. Finally, they won by their brain.
This is a comedic movie which suit for every ages.


review of " over the hedge " - mohammed -

Over the hedge review :

This movie is useful movie that it has several lessons to teach about some unmoral behaviors such as the selfishness, faithlessness and to not being content and show you the consequences of characterizing with those , but in some cases it’s not good to paint photo about people not being good against being the animals good .

Here is a summery of the story :

There’s a racoun called ( R J ) in a civic place where people live, not in a forest . He was very hungry

Over the Hedge ... Plot Summary ...( Sulaiman )

loved this movie. The characters were awesome, and the plot was phenomenal. Bruce Willis plays con artist, raccoon, RJ. When he attempts to steal food from hibernating bear, Vincent, played by Nick Nolte, a small accident leaves the food destroyed. Vincent gives RJ 1 week to replace all the food. If RJ doesn't replace the food Vincent will eat him. While contemplating almost certain death, RJ stumbles upon a group of naive woodlanders. The woodlanders have awoken from hibernation to find that half of their woodland is now a suburban paradise. With their food source now depleted, the woodlanders turn to smooth talking RJ. Who convinces them that all they need to do is steal the food from the humans. All of the woodlanders seem open to this idea, all of them except Verne, a cautious turtle, who does not trust RJ at all. RJ on the other hand convinces him and the rest of the 'family'. The ultimate question in this movie is, Can RJ really con these woodland animals?

over the hedge . my review ( youssef )

There are some animals like (Raccoon, Verne, turtle) they are lining on the backyard. When the spring is start. They are wake up and they start looking about food. But the Raccoon came from the other place and call to them to go to house. But they have problem with the people .The Raccoon changed their live because looking about food and make risk live to them. On the end they stay in the backyard and they enjoy with them live.

over the edge sam

First, the thing that I like about the movie that it has many ideas that it can benefit anyone (old , adult, child) .it is noticeable that the movie learn you to be content about your life whether you are rich or poor, old or young .it means that there is different types of life to everyone. I can imagine that the movie teach you how to predict the consequences in the future in everything you do in the present. Dramatically, that the movie has an extremely terrific painting for the actors .Last, I really liked the ending of the movie.
There are some disadvantages that I like to notice some disadvantages

Over the Hedge ( Sulaiman )

When RJ the raccoon's plan to steal Vincent the Bear's food goes awry, RJ has to replace everything or he'll be the bear's main course for dinner. RJ makes his way to a small patch of woods near a new subdivision of homes that seem to be stacked with plenty of food.
RJ meets a group of animals (led by a turtle that sounds a lot like Garry Shandling), and he does his best to convince them that he can help them store as much food in a week that it normally takes a year to accumulate. But first they must overcome their fear of what's on the other side of the hedge. Will plans go as smoothly as they hope?
The fun is in watching the various ordeals that unfold for RJ and his gang. At first, they accomplish purloining various items with relative ease despite a few bumps and bruises. But then things get a little dicier when the aforementioned neighbor calls in the Verminator, who goes after the animals with the same amount of zeal that Mad Dog the Bounty Hunter goes after fleeing convicts. Complex traps and even an infrared field are installed, making this look more like Mission: Impossible.